Study in Germany

It is a misconception among many students in Pakistan, that study in Germany is not possible without learning German language. This is not true. The medium of instruction at German universities today is optional so that a foreign student can choose English or German as medium of instruction. However we do recommend learning basic German language so you are able to find student jobs and make friends.
The education landscape in Germany is organized across more than 383 universities and higher Education institutions and offers a study course for every kind of student. Great importance is placed on basic research and the very latest knowledge is passed on from top-class researchers around the world to students. As the world’s third most popular destination for foreign students, German universities are famous for their attraction for international students.
After completing studies, students are granted a one-year Jobseeker visa to find a suitable job and after joining the job, they are granted a residence permit to continue their job. After a few years in job, you are even eligible to apply for a German passport! If you’re in search of work in Germany, we can help in this also. We are also on Facebook.